Our Plan for Making Minnesota Great

The last few years we have experienced an all-out attack on our civil and religious liberty. The government shut down our churches, our businesses, and our gatherings. That was a violation of our liberties. Freedom of speech, freedom of protest, freedom to gather with as many people as we choose, freedom to worship God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and the 2nd amendment is something I will always protect and advocate for. Your medical freedom and parental rights I will always defend. Safeguarding our children’s future to grow up in a nation of liberty and morality needs be of the utmost importance.

Every child deserves a chance to experience life to the fullest. Every child deserves the opportunity to pursue life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That begins in the womb. An estimated 65 million lives have been terminated before they even had the opportunity to breath air. Over 98% of abortions happen out of “convenience” meaning there was nothing medically wrong with the pregnancy. We need to stop the normalization of killing the most innocent little baby boys and girls in the womb. 90% of children diagnosed with Down’s Syndrome are terminated in the womb. We need to change our thinking about these precious lives and be their voice.

Honor for those who serve in the military and law enforcement has quickly eroded in our nation and our state. This is a direct result of our government officials not leading by example. We need to restore law and order and regain a respect for those who put their lives on the line for civilians. We need to do whatever is necessary to make sure our veterans have the opportunity to never be left out in the cold hungry or homeless. Our great police and peace officers have recently come under undue scrutiny putting their lives at risk. Our veterans, military, and law enforcement servants need to be greatly honored once again.

Minnesota needs to become a mining friendly state as soon as possible. God has blessed our ground with enormous amounts of valuable resources that can help prosper our state. We can mine these critical minerals better and safer than anywhere in the world. Sustainable power and renewable energy relies heavily upon mining these minerals. Minnesota has them in abundance. It’s time for us to tap into the wealth under our feet to help prosper our local communities. High paying jobs and careers are waiting to be tapped into but activist organizations and government officials are standing in the way. It’s time to mine!