As a believer in Jesus Christ, I have a deep commitment to serve and love the people of District 6A. It has been an absolute honor being your representative in the great State of Minnesota!
Long ago the founders of this nation determined the inherent power of government would rest in We the People. Too many times politicians and bureaucrats walk all over the sacredness of We the People. I won’t have it!
As District 6A House Rep, I will fight for We the People, advocate for what is right, speak the truth in love, honor justice, and stand for law and order. I am excited to represent you and be a voice for We the People of Minnesota and House District 6A.
May God bless you and may He bless the great State of Minnesota!
Ben Davis
About me:
- Married for 24 years to the best woman I have ever met
- I have seven children and I am fighting for their future
- Lead Pastor of a local church
- Live just outside of Crosslake, MN
- Lived in Minnesota all my life
- An avid hunter
- Firearms are amazing
- I enjoy aviation